Adobe Photoshop Lightroom License [LIFETIME]


Adobe Lightroom is a creative image organization and image manipulation software developed by Adobe Inc. as part of the Creative Cloud subscription family. It is supported on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and tvOS. Its primary uses include importing/saving, viewing, organizing, tagging, editing, and sharing large numbers of digital images.


Adobe’s Photoshop software for photo editing expert manner and schedule Bridge to manage and organize images form a comprehensive offer, but the software Adobe Photoshop Lightroom both management and image editing as necessary and desirable for photographers and designers in an environment that provides Is. It’s nondestructive editing is done in the form of Non-Destructive or the original file remains unchanged. The basic idea of ​​the software produced by Adobe in 2002, was one of the developers and, gradually completed and ImageReady software features also be included.